The other day I was looking at pictures of myself from high school and before I met my Husband. I realized that back in that day I was about 30 pounds daintier. When I was getting married I found my wedding dress. Then because of the stress that comes with getting married I gained a few pounds. A couple weeks later doing my last fitting for the dress, my mom said it looked a little tight. So I quickly had to lose those few extra pounds. Then after we got married I wanted to be the best wife so I made 3 good meals..probably not healthy meals...but good ones. I noticed that Tim could eat quite a bit... so then I started eating Tim sized portions. Bad idea...When Tim ate, I would want to eat. Never in my life had I ate so frequently, nor the amount. So what happened.... I gained weight. I have not been feeling healthy, and the winter makes me so lazy.
Now that the sun is out I want to get rid of this extra weight and have my high school body back!
My sister and my good friend Raquel and I are all wanting to lose 30 pounds. So we are all eating six small meals a day so we don't over eat. We will also be doing lots of Cardio. I really hope I can stick to this, so no one tempt me! I will be blogging about my progress, so join in the fun!
Food is fuel, Not pleasure... this phrase has helped give me motivation.
Nothing tastes better then being thin... This has helped will be posted on my fridge soon!
I'm excited about your weight loss plan! Keep me posted on your progress. I have a new blog check it out!!!
Yay for eating healthy and exercising! I've been running for at least 30 minutes every night! You should join me. I could run over to your place and we could just start by running around your block or something.
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