Friday, December 10, 2010
3 years
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Zach Update
The other day I put away all of his 0-3 month clothing. It was kinda of emotional because I just want him to stay tiny forever but I know he can't. He wears mostly 3-6 now but also quite a bit of 6m. I realized that most of it is summer clothing, and it is starting to get cold here quick. I guess I have some shopping to do ;).
Zach is a very curious little guy. He loves to look at everything. I recently showed him a little baby movie of Jonah and the Whale. The movie told the story while showing all the sea animals that Jonah saw. Different classical pieces were playing for each animal as Jonah discovered them. Zach loved it and wiggled and kicked as he watched.
What he likes:
*playing with mom/dad
*being in the moby wrap
*bath time
*sleeping in mom an dads bed
*chewing on hands
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Really, a Kidney Infection?
So..... on the 19th we got back from a wonderful family vacation to Bear Lake. The next day around midnight I started feeling really cold. I thought to myself... our house is like 75 degrees, how can I be cold. I soon fell asleep and then woke up to feed Zach. My chills continued and my skin was very hot but I had goosebumps. Never having had a fever before I did not know that is what I was experiencing. I laid there for about four hours before waking Tim up. I told him I knew something was wrong.
The weekend went on and I spent all of Saturday and Sunday in bed. Tim was great at taking care of Zach through the nights so I could rest. I had been taking Tylenol and it would help the fever for a while but then it would shoot back up. After three days I knew this was bigger than I thought and I needed help.
The next morning we went to urgent care. My fever had gotten up to 105.8. They said that was one of the highest temps they have seen. The doctor felt that it was a kidney infection, so they put me on and IV with medication. We went home and I felt pretty good the rest of the day and then the fever came back that night. The next morning we went back to Urgent Care to get more medication through my IV. I told her the fever came back. She said that should not have happened. She was confused and said that maybe my uterus was infected. The next day we went back again for more medication and she said that she wanted me to do a CT Scan to find out what really was the problem.
After 4 hours at the hospital, they discovered that it was indeed a kidney infection. They also found a 8 cm mass on my liver. They said that they will check in 6 months to see if it has grown. If it has then they will test it, if not they said I wont ever need to worry about it. We got home around 5:45 and I got a call from urgent care saying that I needed to go there immediately for further treatment even though they were closed. People stayed after hours to help me. I am so thankful for that.
So now I don't have to wear an IV! Three days of that dumb thing in my arm made it hard to hold Zach. I am now on antibiotics for 10 days which sadly forces me to stop breastfeeding. I struggled through 6 weeks of breast feeding with a low supply, doing everything I could to produce enough to feed him. In a way I feel relieved because it took a lot out of me, but I also miss having that bond.
Can I just say.....It's been a crazy week!
The weekend went on and I spent all of Saturday and Sunday in bed. Tim was great at taking care of Zach through the nights so I could rest. I had been taking Tylenol and it would help the fever for a while but then it would shoot back up. After three days I knew this was bigger than I thought and I needed help.
The next morning we went to urgent care. My fever had gotten up to 105.8. They said that was one of the highest temps they have seen. The doctor felt that it was a kidney infection, so they put me on and IV with medication. We went home and I felt pretty good the rest of the day and then the fever came back that night. The next morning we went back to Urgent Care to get more medication through my IV. I told her the fever came back. She said that should not have happened. She was confused and said that maybe my uterus was infected. The next day we went back again for more medication and she said that she wanted me to do a CT Scan to find out what really was the problem.
After 4 hours at the hospital, they discovered that it was indeed a kidney infection. They also found a 8 cm mass on my liver. They said that they will check in 6 months to see if it has grown. If it has then they will test it, if not they said I wont ever need to worry about it. We got home around 5:45 and I got a call from urgent care saying that I needed to go there immediately for further treatment even though they were closed. People stayed after hours to help me. I am so thankful for that.
So now I don't have to wear an IV! Three days of that dumb thing in my arm made it hard to hold Zach. I am now on antibiotics for 10 days which sadly forces me to stop breastfeeding. I struggled through 6 weeks of breast feeding with a low supply, doing everything I could to produce enough to feed him. In a way I feel relieved because it took a lot out of me, but I also miss having that bond.
Can I just say.....It's been a crazy week!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sweet Zachary is Here!
Friday, July 16, 2010
3 days!
We are 3 days away from the due date and time is dragging! Zachary is very content and he is showing no signs of wanting to come out. If he is not here by Monday I have another appointment that affternoon. Hopefully at that point they will schedule an induction becuase of my gestational diabetes. They still have not decided if a c-section will be needed. They think I may be to small to deliver regularly. They won't decide though till I am in labor.
We are so excited to be parents. I can't wait to see Tim as a father. I know that he will be amazing! I also can't wait to kiss his little face!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Come On Out Zach!
Man oh man, we are ready to meet our son! At our appointment this week the doctor said I was 2-3 cm, and 80% effaced. The doctor also said that he will probably be here before his due date! We hope so!
Today was my last day at work, so he is welcome to come anytime. Today would be nice since we have a nice long holiday weekend and Tim doesn't have to work. It most likely won't happen, just wishful thinking. He will come when he is ready!
I am not sure if Zach will wait for his Oma(my mom) to get back from Texas. My sister Katie who lives in Texas was due June 27th, and still no sign of the baby coming. She is scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday but might not have it till Thursday. That's the 8th. My mom is supposed to be back the 9th but might end up staying a week longer. Which will mean she will come back the 16th, which is 3 days before Zach is due. So we will see if Zach decides to wait or not. Maybe Zach will share a birthday with his cousin :) That would be funny.
All I can say is that I can not wait to meet him and see his adorable little face, hands and toes! We are so excited! I will have to post a picture soon of his room!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
2 1/2 years...and 6 1/2 weeks to go!
2 1/2 years:
We quite Chuck E. Cheese and got real jobs :), moved 3 times, spent a summer in Idaho, I graduated school, Tim has only 9 classes left, fell more in love, and made a baby! May not sound like much, but yeah looking back where we were 2 1/2 years ago we have come along way! I can't wait to see what we will accomplish with in the next 2 1/2 years! Hopefully have another 2 kids, have a house, and Tim will have a good job that he really enjoys.
6 1/2 weeks:
Drum roll, please!!! We have truly begun to count down the weeks till Zachary makes his appearance! I can't believe that we only have 47 days left. It sounds shorter to me in days than it does in weeks. Counting from 40 weeks down to 6 has felt like forever sometimes but for the most part flew by. I have 4 weeks left at work and then I am resting up for 2 weeks to make up for the loss of sleep I will have for the rest of my life. In my opinion I don't think 2 weeks will be enough or any amount of time, but it will all be worth it when I hold him and see him smile.
We are moving out this month and we are very excited. We found a two bedroom apt and the bedrooms are huge! All I have for his room is a crib and a changing table. I am trying to talk Tim into letting me get a glider chair and hopefully that will fill it up a bit. This new apt is also within the boundaries of our old ward. I am so happy to go back and see all my old friends, and a bunch of them are due with their own babies around the same time Zach is due. So he will have plenty of baby friends to play with, and I will have adults to talk to!
I now have 2 doctors appointments every week till he comes. One normal appointment, and then a non stress test appointment. I am hoping that this will help time go by fast because it gives me something to look forward to. Yesterday the doctor said that he is sill really big. So, a c-section is still a possibility which he said they will do at 39 weeks if not sooner. I am still hoping for a normal delivery though because it's cheaper and I feel like a c- section will rob me of really "experiencing" giving birth. It may sound weird, but I want to feel the labor pains, I want Tim to cut the cord, and I want to hold my baby the second he is born. With a c-section I can't hold him right away, and I need that instant bonding moment. The thought of being cut open just scares me as well. My deepest cut has been a paper cut, and now I have a big possibility of being cut open. But I am preparing for it if it does happen. We can't wait to meet our little man!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Maternity Pictures
My good friend Mallory Kerwin was so nice to take maternity pictures of Tim and I yesterday. She is so talented and has an amazing eye for photography. Check out her photography blog at
Here are some pictures from the shoot:
Here are some pictures from the shoot:

Monday, April 26, 2010
Our Getaway

The Next day I really wanted to go swimming. We woke up to rain! I was so sad, I wanted the sun to be out and we wanted to go in the lazy river. Since the weather was not agreeing with our plans we went to the outlet malls. The place was huge! Tim bought some Nikie shirts. We then had lunch at Chipotle. The rest of the day we rested and rented some movies and ordered wings and pizza. In the morning we had to be out by 10 and it was a beautiful day. Finally nice weather and we had to leave.
It was a relaxing trip, and it was so nice to spend quality time together! Now we are beginning to count down the weeks to Zach's arrival. 11 1/2!
Monday, March 1, 2010
20 Weeks, Half way!

Yeah! I am half way! This is very exciting to be half way done! The first 20 weeks flew by so I am hoping that the next 20 fly even faster! I have been able to feel him kick a lot more, just in this past week alone. Tim has yet to be able to feel them, but hopefully in about two weeks he will. We can't wait to meet him!
Monday, February 15, 2010
It's a...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Girl or Boy????
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Miracle Baby
Tim and I have been very excited about having our first baby in July. Throughout the first trimester I never threw up or anything. I felt great! I was always nervous about the thought of miscarriages. When we went in at 13 weeks the doctor said, " The chance of losing the baby is very slim now." So we thought we were safe. That was on a Tuesday, then 5 days later on Sunday I came home from my parents and discovered that I was bleeding a lot! I had read that some people bleed and have no problems, but also that blood was a big sign of miscarriage. I tried to remain calm, but all I could think about was our baby and praying that it was ok. I really thought we had lost the baby and that thought broke my heart.
Tim called his brother Mark to come over and assist him in giving me a blessing. Then my Mom and Sister came over, and Matt and Tricia. It was nice to chat with them to take my mind off the bleeding. I then got a call back from the doctor and he told me to go into the ER. I really didn't want to go, I had never been to the hospital and I didn't know what to expect. All I could do at that moment was cry and pray.
While we were there the doctor did some blood tests and hooked me to an IV. After waiting for a long time, they did an ultra sound and a pelvic exam. In the Ultra sound the baby was jumping around and it had a strong heart beat! I was so happy to hear that heart beat! They looked around and could not see where the blood could be coming from. They also could not figure it out in the pelvic exam. This bothered me but I was just so happy to know that the baby was ok! Since they could not figure it out they thought it would be best that I be on bed rest.
After about a week of bleeding and being on bed rest we went in for a follow up appointment. I thought maybe there wouldn't be a heart beat this time. There was!! This baby is not going to give up and it's our little fighter! They still couldn't figure out the bleeding though. I never thought that this was going to happen to me. I had been having such and easy pregnancy and then bam! I guess I spoke to soon. I am just so grateful that our little one held on and kept going. Everyone thought I was losing the baby, and even myself. The bleeding has stopped, as our baby is ok. So we will continue through the pregnancy expecting everything to go well from here. This little one is truly our Miracle baby!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
13 Weeks

I added a belly shot in this post. This baby has no place to go but out. My torso is so the end I don't think I will be able to breath. The doctor said I haven't gained any weight. I have eaten so much I definitely thought I would have gained at least 5 pounds, but I guess not!
We can't wait to find out the gender in February!
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