So I am 13 1/2 weeks and loving it. We had an appointment yesterday! We FINALLY were able to get the chance to hear the heart beat. It was amazing. At first the doctor could only find mine but then we clearly heard the babies heart thumping away! It was such an amazing experience. I kept saying" Tim, Tim do you hear that?" I don't know how many times I asked him that. It was so nice to have confirmation that it is in deed living an healthy. Still no U/S but that's ok. All I wanted was a heart beat! It plays over and over in my head.
I added a belly shot in this post. This baby has no place to go but out. My torso is so short....by the end I don't think I will be able to breath. The doctor said I haven't gained any weight. I have eaten so much I definitely thought I would have gained at least 5 pounds, but I guess not!
We can't wait to find out the gender in February!
Aww.... so fun!!! I remember with my first appointment, Rich had to work, so I recorded the heartbeat on my cell phone and texted it to him!! I used to listen to it ALL the time b/c I couldn't really believe there was actually a baby in there!! Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or a girl... any feeling on what it is??
I totally should have thought of recording it! I will do that next time! I think its a boy, and in all the dreams I have had it's a boy, so we will see!
Very cute picture! I love how it is black and white! Exciting times!
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