Graduation was in one word...stressful. For me anyway. First there is commencement in the Marriott Center. Zach and I went and when we got there there were a bunch of seats but every time I went up to someone and asked if I could sit there, they said "sorry it's saved." After I asked about 20 different people I wanted to yell, "My goodnees, can't a Mom and her baby just sit and watch her husband graduate?" The And my I add I hate it when people save seats. I strongly feel this shouldn't be allowed. What happened to snooze you lose? So there I am trying to find a seat and I end up hiking all the way to the top, diaper bag in hand and Zach strapped to me in the moby wrap. We finally reach the top and I feel like I am going to have a panic attack because I am squished at the very top. I try to calm my self and try not to overreact. I am finally calm and then bam....Zach pooped. So then I hike back down and find a restroom. To make matters worse...there are NO changing tables in the bathrooms. Let me think about this.... were on BYU campus with hundreds of babies and pregnant women and there are no changing tables?
Who built this place? So where were all the moms changing their babies? The foyer...It smelled lovely. After Changing Zach I didn't want to walk up to the top again so I stayed put standing in the foyer. Do you know what a 22 pound baby feels like strapped to you in a moby wrap for hours? It feels like being pregnant with quadruplets....not fun.
The next morning was the much more pleasant part. Watching Tim walk. It was so fun. Tim graduated in Computer Science and his dad is one of the Deans, so he got special permission to have his dad hand him his diploma. What a special moment. We're so proud of him!
Watching Daddy Graduate
1 comment:
Love your new background!! Congrats on the graduation!!!
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