Yep, Zach is going to be a big brother! We are so excited to be increasing our family. When I think of being a mother of two, I feel very excited but also very nervous. I remember how difficult it was trying to breastfeed. I was not very successful doing so with Zach because of some health problems I had. With this next baby I really want to be able to breastfeed. I know it will be hard and even more complicated than the first because I will have a toddler running around as well.If his sibling is anything like Zach than having 2 kids will not be so hard. But I am not so sure I will continue to have angel babies like Zach. I am sure there is a little menace up there in heaven waiting to come down, and this one could be it. I strongly felt like Zach needed to have a sibling close in age to play with and become good friends with.
I have been feeling great for the most part. I have had some morning sickness which I never had with Zach. I am sure mine isn't even as bad as some people get it and for that I am thankful. We are expecting this baby to arrive April 6
Congrats!! That is awesome!
Thank you! Your going to be a mom of 2 as well Melissa!:)
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