Well, Baby Owen will be here in 2 weeks! As I sit here I can tell he wants out! His slow rolling from side to side hurts my stomach and makes it sore, so I also want him out! This trimester hasn't been the greatest having constant contractions all the time. Especially in the car, for some reason it triggers my contractions and driving while having a contraction is uncomfortable and a little distracting. Also having a toddler to chase made this pregnancy more challenging but also fun because Zach has been so gentle and I can tell he already loves his little brother. I am very excited to meet Owen but almost more excited for Zach to meet him.
I have pretty much everything ready for him. I just need to wash all of his clothes, the car seat cover, and blankets. I also need to set up the pack and play with the bassinet. I bought diapers the other day and they are so small! Having Zach I forget how small newborns are and I am not going to be able to just prop him one my hip like I do with Zach. One thing I am not quite ready for is breastfeeding. Who ever said that breastfeeding was easy was dead wrong! I wasn't able to feed Zach due to low milk supply...the most I ever produced was an ounce. I also blame myself though because I didn't educate my self about it enough before having Zach. This time around I took a class and really learned about breastfeeding. So I am hoping that this time will be successful because honestly formula was expensive!
This past week my sister Debbie threw my sister katie, my sister in law Andee, and I and triple baby shower, It was great and we all looked like were ready to pop!
For the past few weeks we have been in the process of buying a house. We have found a few down on the Sleepy Ridge Golf course in Vineyard. We're not sure what it will be like living on a golf course but the houses are at a unbeatable price right now. The houses are brand new and gorgeous. We have narrowed it down to two houses and will most likely put in offers sometime this week.
This is the house that is our first choice. I absolutely love this house!

This is our second choice. I really like this one as well. They each have their own special differences.

Obviously the pictures don't show the whole house but you get the idea. So, big changes are coming and it's all a little scary but exciting as well. We went to the ward this morning that we would attend and it was great. I can see us making a lot of great friends and there were a ton of young kids for Zach to make friends with. I am really hoping it all works out and that we will soon be able to start making one of these houses our home!
This made me smile. I'm so excited to meet Owen!
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