Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Girl or Boy????

I have an appointment on Feb 13th at 4 to find out the sex of our baby! I am so excited. We are excited to be finding out over Valentines Day weekend as well! We plan to find out and then celebrate with a good dinner! It will be the best Valentines day ever!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miracle Baby

Tim and I have been very excited about having our first baby in July. Throughout the first trimester I never threw up or anything. I felt great! I was always nervous about the thought of miscarriages. When we went in at 13 weeks the doctor said, " The chance of losing the baby is very slim now." So we thought we were safe. That was on a Tuesday, then 5 days later on Sunday I came home from my parents and discovered that I was bleeding a lot! I had read that some people bleed and have no problems, but also that blood was a big sign of miscarriage. I tried to remain calm, but all I could think about was our baby and praying that it was ok. I really thought we had lost the baby and that thought broke my heart.

Tim called his brother Mark to come over and assist him in giving me a blessing. Then my Mom and Sister came over, and Matt and Tricia. It was nice to chat with them to take my mind off the bleeding. I then got a call back from the doctor and he told me to go into the ER. I really didn't want to go, I had never been to the hospital and I didn't know what to expect. All I could do at that moment was cry and pray.

While we were there the doctor did some blood tests and hooked me to an IV. After waiting for a long time, they did an ultra sound and a pelvic exam. In the Ultra sound the baby was jumping around and it had a strong heart beat! I was so happy to hear that heart beat! They looked around and could not see where the blood could be coming from. They also could not figure it out in the pelvic exam. This bothered me but I was just so happy to know that the baby was ok! Since they could not figure it out they thought it would be best that I be on bed rest.

After about a week of bleeding and being on bed rest we went in for a follow up appointment. I thought maybe there wouldn't be a heart beat this time. There was!! This baby is not going to give up and it's our little fighter! They still couldn't figure out the bleeding though. I never thought that this was going to happen to me. I had been having such and easy pregnancy and then bam! I guess I spoke to soon. I am just so grateful that our little one held on and kept going. Everyone thought I was losing the baby, and even myself. The bleeding has stopped, as our baby is ok. So we will continue through the pregnancy expecting everything to go well from here. This little one is truly our Miracle baby!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13 Weeks

So I am 13 1/2 weeks and loving it. We had an appointment yesterday! We FINALLY were able to get the chance to hear the heart beat. It was amazing. At first the doctor could only find mine but then we clearly heard the babies heart thumping away! It was such an amazing experience. I kept saying" Tim, Tim do you hear that?" I don't know how many times I asked him that. It was so nice to have confirmation that it is in deed living an healthy. Still no U/S but that's ok. All I wanted was a heart beat! It plays over and over in my head.

I added a belly shot in this post. This baby has no place to go but out. My torso is so the end I don't think I will be able to breath. The doctor said I haven't gained any weight. I have eaten so much I definitely thought I would have gained at least 5 pounds, but I guess not!

We can't wait to find out the gender in February!