Sunday, March 20, 2011

8 months

Zachary is 8 months today! I can not believe how fast time flies. By the way don't you love his face in this picture?! He has grown so much and I just can't get enough of my little man.

Things he likes:
*playing with mom and dad....duh
*eating big boy solids
*taking baths
*reading books
*taking walks
* dance parties with mom
*cooking with mom
*rolling.... he wont crawl, he is satisfied with rolling everywhere
*scrunching his nose
* cardboard boxes
*his new chair... it latches on the side of the table, you can take it everywhere!
* getting his teeth brushed

Things he's not so found of:
* bibs
*crawling... again he will just roll and roll
* being quite in church... he loves to entertain anyone that will look at him
*taking his vitamins

He has two teeth and his top ones are just cutting through.

Happy 8 months Zachary!

Monday, March 7, 2011


So, I am not the best at keeping our blog updated but don't worry we are still alive! For this post I decide I will just update everyone one on what's been happening lately.

Tim: Tim got a job! He will be working for a company called Qualtrics. We are so excited for this new chapter in our lives. He will be graduating next month. We can't believe that the day has finally come....BYU will finally return my husband! Throughout our whole marriage Tim has been in school. So I don't know what it's like to have my husband come home at 5 and have him all to myself for the evening. I am so excited to experience quality time together without homework getting in the way. I have many fun things planned for us!

Christina: Starting next week my occupation will be, full time mom! I am so excited. Now that Tim has a full time job I can dedicate all my time to Zach. I have been waiting for this for 7 1/2 months. I have so many fun things I want to do with Zach now that we have all day with each other. I would also like to become more crafty and learn new skills. Basically improve my domesticity.

Zach: My goodness Zach is getting so big. I feel like he was born yesterday. Has it really been 7 1/2 months? I miss my tiny little baby, but I also love this chubbster. He is now 20 lbs. He really is quite solid all over. He got his first two bottom teeth in January. He doesn't crawl yet. He is a pro when it comes to rolling though. He will just roll from one side of the room to the other. He also has better posture than I do, he sits up so straight.He makes me smile and laugh so much. I couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect son.